Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Military Underground Bases

Military Underground Bases - There you have it: a tunnel machine that doesn't create mud, and leaves a smooth, glassy tunnel. Back lining. The next patent was three years later: in the bright green pleasant highlands of the United Kingdom, a jump from Stonehenge is a research center related to history.

It is known for chemical and biological weapons research and laboratories that explore the world's most dangerous pathogens. This experimental testing facility is called Porton Down, conjuring images of mad scientists from bubbling vats. Background: Anthrax, Ebola virus, plague, and monkey pox are deadly germs handled by researchers at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, commonly known as USAMRIID.

Military Underground Bases

News: Random Map Shared On Facebook Allegedly Reveals Locations Of Deep Underground  Bases Beneath Midwest & Southwest States — The ConfessionalsSource:

Over the years, the Institute has made significant contributions to the development of vaccines, diagnostics and therapies with both military and civilian applications. Missouri 60. 12 miles south of Lebanon, 36° 02.8′ N 115° 24.3′ W, near newly built town of Twin Bridges—reported base of saucer 61. Bat/dry/dead man/whale in cave cluster—reported

Underground Facilities Not All Are Run By The Military

Saucer Base 62. Mount St. Francis, MO (between St. Louis and New Madrid) actually has such underground facilities owned by the Department of Defense, but their actual uses range from the US nuclear missile program to NASA missions as part of space missions.

To track man-made space debris, support the International Space Station, etc. Background: Lajes Field, on the small, Portuguese-owned island of Terceira, is an important refueling station for aircraft that cannot clear the Atlantic in one fell swoop.

In 1953, the United States established its first presence on the island when it located the 1605th Air Force Base in Las Vegas. Today, the facility houses the 65th Airlift Wing, providing support to the US Air Force and various allies in Europe.

This wider region has seen a great deal of military activity in recent years, usually on the Russian and NATO side. Norwegian authorities have also accused Russian forces of staging fake attacks on their territory, including simulated attacks on a secret radar station in Vardø on several occasions as part of exercises.

Raven Rock Mountain Complex

US Navy submarines may soon operate from a cavernous Norwegian naval base built under a mountain. A reported deal to reopen the once-secret facility comes amid concerns about increased Russian submarine activity in the nearby Barents Sea and the Arctic.

There has been a significant increase in US military activity in these areas, including an unusually public port visit by the USS Seawolf, a stealth first-class submarine, to Norway in August. Virginia 97. Bluemont, Mount Weather Base, Federal Preparedness Agency & FEMA, small-town underground, top-secret, hundreds of staff work covertly for FEMA and include a secret government with multiple agencies and cabinet-level administrators.

Inside Yugoslavia's Secret Naval TunnelsSource:

Hold your posts for multiple administrations and help run the United States. 98. Culpepper, 380 28.5 N 77°59.8'W, about 2 miles east of Culpepper on Rt. 3, called Mount Pony, Illuminati-fed. The 140,000-square-foot reserve includes a state-of-the-art electronic system "fed wire" to monitor all major financial transactions in the United States, facilities for storing dead bodies.

99. Pentagon, Arlington, VA- 100. Warrington Training Ctr. Two sites: one on Rt. 802 and another on Bear Wallow Road, in Viewtree Hills. One place A another place B an army and ??, purpose unknown. "The US and Norway have a good relationship, and our ability to use facilities in and around Tromsø will provide a strategic location for our visit," a US defense official told Breaking Defense in September.

Cheyenne Mountain Complex

"It will give not only the United States but allied nations the flexibility to exercise in the high north." is a property of Three Creeks Media. Neither nor Three Creeks Media is affiliated with or endorsed by the US Department of Defense or Veterans Affairs.

The content on is produced by Three Creeks Media, its partners, affiliates and contractors, and no opinion or statement on should be attributed to the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Defense, or any government agency.

If you have questions about veterans programs offered through or through the Department of Veterans Affairs, please visit their website at The content presented on is for general informational purposes only and may not apply to any customer's particular situation, and this content should not be construed as legal or financial advice.

If you have questions of a specific nature, ask a financial professional, accountant or attorney to discuss. Referrals, fees and offers for third-party products are subject to change without notice. Background: Around 1980, the Navy began renovating Kings Bay as an East Coast staging area for the Ohio-class nuclear submarines, which took nearly a decade and cost $1.3 billion, making it the Navy's largest peacetime construction project.

Great Awakening Team

. Spread across 16,000 acres, a quarter of which are protected wetlands, this submarine base is home to 20 threatened or endangered species. Background: HAARP, or the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, is a cooperative project involving the US Air Force, the US Army, and the University of Alaska.

Researchers at the facility use a powerful high-frequency transmitter and an array of 180 antennas to temporarily disrupt the ionosphere in hopes of reaping potential communications and surveillance benefits. On October 10, 2020, it was first reported that the former Royal Norwegian Navy base at Olavsvørn near Tromsø could be rehabilitated for use by US submarines.

816 Nuclear Military Plant - WikipediaSource:

Active Norwegian naval operations ended at the privately owned and operated facility in 2002, and it was officially decommissioned in 2009. NRK said US military officials had recently visited the site and a lease agreement allowing US naval operations could be signed in the near future.

The week involves the US government creating an army of what they call loyal, brainwashed soldiers. Also, they have cybernetic and microchip implants that each person has without question or knowledge. Every soldier in the underground camp is microchipped and under psychological mind control.

Every year, people disappear here. If we continue to sleep, the Illuminati will create an entire global fascist police state. Many Americans, Scandinavians and Western Europeans do not want to believe that millions of UNISF and UNIMNTF troops are in the United States.

How it's unique: One-of-a-kind bases like Cheyenne pose countless construction challenges and must meet the impossible requirements of being able to withstand multi-megaton attacks. "It's hard for a contractor to bid on projects like this because you may be using new construction methods, new construction methods," Schulz says.

It was designed to withstand a nuclear blast from a distance of (roughly) and was once considered the only US facility capable of withstanding the effects of an electromagnetic pulse (which essentially disables all electronics within a certain range).

nuclear explosion). Maryland 53. Camp David - North of the camp is an important underground facility for intelligence. 54 feet below the National Security Agency's Meade, 10 acres of state-of-the-art supercomputers that can be built, very large complex, extensive surveillance radios of all communications in the United States and the world, including all transmissions: telephone, telegraph, telegraph, fax, fax.

, television and microwave broadcasting. 55. Olney, the facility is actually between Olney and Laytonville, on Riggs Road. Off Rt. 108. Another underground facility may also be located in this area, FEMA and possibly NSA, facility 10 levels deep, purpose unknown.

56. Suitland, MD- US Government Classified Archives. It is stored here in underground levels. The vault contains a large number of unindexed documents. Restricted access with a coded security card. High level intelligence groups are also active in the region.

Abandoned Underground Megaprojects | Lovemoney.comSource:

The Los Alamos facility dates back to at least the 1940s. One can imagine that this underground system was built with 1/2 century of labor. Visitors to the deeper layers report people being kept in glass cylinders and many other strange things.

I have had the opportunity to describe some of these features at a few lower levels. There are special badges, special costumes, tube lifts, etc., which I won't go into detail for lack of time. .

It will serve researchers in mind-related tasks, genetic experiments, mind control training and reprogramming. The building has more than 3000 video cameras located in high security locations. Also, it has more than 100 secret locations around Dulce.

Currently, Norway allows US submarines to enter Malangen Fjord near Tromsø to transfer personnel and receive fresh supplies. But under this provision, small boats must carry passengers and cargo to the submarines, limiting the kind of support that can be provided to US ships.

UTAH In Utah, the Kennecott copper company is linked to the Illuminati and the KKK. These relationships have been exposed in other writings by this author. The Kennecott mine in Salt Lake City (reportedly owned by the World Bank) is operated by the Union Pacific Company, which is reported to be affiliated with the Mormon Church.

The mine gets a lot of big trucks after 11pm, for example, on an average night more than 6 dozen big trucks with 2 trailers each drive into the mine. In other words, heavy rail and tractor trailer activity seems to indicate something other than mining.

Background: The US Army Chemical Agents Agency's Anniston Chemical Agent Disposal Facility is one of nine sites (including the closed Anniston) that once housed chemical weapons. In the 1960s, seven percent of US chemical weapons were stored in Anniston, including a stockpile of VX nerve agents.

The British designated it as a War Department Research Station during WWI. For the most part, it was their response to German chemical warfare. Although the British can often put double meanings behind their words, what happened here is actually darker than it sounds.

Deep Underground Military Bases Exposed In The Superunknowns - MimbrezSource:

US military interest in the ability to operate from naval and other facilities in this general area is likely to increase in general in the near future. The US Marine Corps actually already uses another underground bunker complex near the city of Trondheim in Norway to store vehicles and other equipment to support rapid deployment.

On top of the project's ecology, the solar farm is built on top of a cap landfill. The Air Force estimates that the array will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 24,000 tons each year and cost more than $1 million.

These sites are known as the "tip of the spear" in terms of the US military's ability to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear or conventional warheads. What exactly is the tip of the spear? Under Denver International Airport, we have a military base deep underground.

It is more than 22 miles in diameter and has eight levels. Indeed, it is no coincidence that the CIA moved its domestic division responsible for US operations from the CIA's Langley headquarters to Denver. The deal with WilNor could make it relatively easy for Norwegian authorities to reopen the Olavsvern and make it available to US submarines as well as other vessels.

It's unclear exactly how long it might take for the US Navy to begin operations, and what upgrades or additions to facilities will be needed to support nuclear-powered submarines. It also remains to be seen whether US submarines will actually fit inside the base, or whether they can be docked outside, allowing only inland operations and storage space.

America leases 11 of the 97 small islands that make up atolls and surround a central lagoon suitable for re-entry of airborne objects. The out-of-the-way site helps with all types of testing free of ship and radio traffic.

यो हाल "स्पेस फेन्स" को साइट पनि हो, स्पेस जंक र साना उपग्रहहरू पत्ता लगाउन र ट्र्याक गर्न डिजाइन गरिएको रडार एरे। साथै, यदि तपाइँ चलचित्रको शौकीन हुनुहुन्छ वा भिडियो गेमहरू मन पराउनुहुन्छ भने, Cheyenne माउन्टेन कम्प्लेक्स कल अफ द ड्युटी गेमहरू मध्ये एक हो र स्वतन्त्रता दिवस र पहिलो स्ट्राइक लगायत धेरै चलचित्रहरूको अंश हो।

यो कसरी अद्वितीय छ: डिएगो गार्सिया जस्ता अल्ट्रा-रिमोट सुविधाहरूको साथ "कुनै निश्चित मात्रामा तार्किक कठिनाई छ", शुल्ज भन्छन्, र ढुवानी सामग्री महँगो हुन सक्छ। डिएगो गार्सियाको रिमोटनेस, यद्यपि, यसलाई उपग्रहहरू ट्र्याक गर्नको लागि एक प्रमुख हब हुन अनुमति दिन्छ, र यो GPS को लागि पाँच निगरानी स्टेशनहरू मध्ये एक हो।

Sydney's Abandoned Military Forts | Secret Bunkers, Tunnels And More! - The  Kid Bucket ListSource:

थप रूपमा, टापु गहिरो ठाउँमा वस्तुहरू ट्र्याक गर्नको लागि ग्राउन्ड-आधारित इलेक्ट्रो-अप्टिकल डीप स्पेस सर्भेलेन्स प्रणालीले सुसज्जित स्थानहरू मध्ये एक मात्र हो। एटोलको रूपमा, जमिन आफैं पनि विचित्र आकारको छ। अन्त देखि अन्त सम्म, डिएगो गार्सिया 34 माइल लामो छ, तर यसको कुल क्षेत्रफल मात्र 11 वर्ग माइल छ।

एक समयमा जब हामी जानकारीको साथ ओभरलोड हुन्छौं, यो कथाबाट तथ्य छुट्याउन महत्त्वपूर्ण छ। हामी यहाँ संसारभरि केही वास्तविक-जीवन सैन्य आधारहरू प्रमाणित गर्न यहाँ छौं। यी आधारहरू रहस्यमा लुकेका छन् र दशकौंदेखि जनताको नजरबाट सुरक्षित छन्।

एकै समयमा, तिनीहरूको स्थान र अस्तित्व मिडियाले वर्षौं वा दशकहरूमा कभर गरेको छ, त्यसैले कुनै पनि शीर्ष-गोप्य सैन्य रहस्यहरू यहाँ साझा गरिएको छैन, माफ गर्नुहोस्! हामी यहाँ केवल तपाईंको लागि कथाबाट तथ्यलाई अलग गर्नको लागि यहाँ छौं, र सायद तपाईंको कल्पनालाई थोरै मात्र स्टोक गर्छौं।

सोभियतहरूले 1960 मा पृथ्वीको वायुमण्डलमा धेरै कुकुरहरू ल्याए, जसमा कुसाच्का र ओट्भाज्नाया नामक कुकुरहरू थिए। मिसाइल परीक्षण साइट पाँच वायुमण्डलीय आणविक परीक्षणहरूको स्थान पनि थियो र सोभियत युगको UFO दृश्यहरूको संख्याको साइट हो। यो धेरैलाई "रसियाको रोजवेल" भनेर चिनिन्छ।

भर्जिनिया 97. Bluemont, Mount Weather Base, Federal Preparedness Agency & FEMA, सानो शहर भूमिगत, शीर्ष-सेक्रेट, धेरै सयको कर्मचारी, FEMA को लागि गोप्य काम गर्दछ र विभिन्न एजेन्सीहरू र क्याबिनेट-स्तरीय रैंकिंग प्रशासकहरूसँग पूर्ण गोप्य सरकार समावेश गर्दछ।

धेरै प्रशासनको लागि आफ्नो पदहरू राख्नुहोस् र संयुक्त राज्य चलाउन मद्दत गर्नुहोस्। 98. Culpepper, 380 28.5 N 77°59.8’W, Rt को Culpepper को लगभग 2 माइल पूर्व। 3, माउन्ट पोनी भनिन्छ, इलुमिनाटी-फेड। रिजर्व, 140,000 वर्ग फुट।, लाशहरूको भण्डारणको लागि सुविधा समावेश गर्दछ, आधुनिक इलेक्ट्रोनिक प्रणाली "फेड वायर" को माध्यमबाट संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकामा सबै प्रमुख वित्तीय लेनदेनहरूको निगरानी गर्दछ।

99. पेन्टागन, आर्लिंगटन, VA- 100. Warrington Training Ctr. -दुई साइटहरू: एक Rt मा। 802 र अर्को Bear Wallow Road मा, Viewtree Mountain मा। एउटा स्टेशन A अर्को स्टेशन B सेना र ??, उद्देश्य अज्ञात

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